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Rust Bazar ๐Ÿฆ€

Gianluca Rea / February 6, 2025

Welcome to my Rust Bazaar! This space is dedicated entirely to exploring and mastering Rust. Over time, I've created 4 projects in Rust, each aiming to enhance my understanding of the language and its rich ecosystem.

Repository Goal

The primary goal of this repository is to serve as a personal learning log, showcasing my progress and development in Rust. Each project is a small step in my journey, expanding my horizons with every line of code. With each new project, I am able to explore different Rust features, libraries, and tools that make Rust a powerful language for modern software development.

Projects ๐Ÿฆ€

Grrs ๐Ÿงจ

This Rust CLI project called Grrs covers ownership, borrowing, fs::File, and io::BufRead. It implements basic cat, grep, cp, mv, and rm commands.

Runestone ๐Ÿ—ฟ

This project, Runestone, is a minimal Rust web server built with Axum and Tokio for asynchronous programming with CRUD operations. It integrates PostgreSQL.

GET/Test route: "Hello Aldino!"
GET/runestonesRetrieve all runestones
POST/runestonesCreate a new runestone
GET/runestones/{runestone_id}Get a specific runestone by runestone_id
PATCH/runestones/{runestone_id}Update a specific runestone by runestone_id
DELETE/runestones/{runestone_id}Delete a specific runestone by runestone_id

Archimedes MQ ๐Ÿ›€

Archimedes MQ is an async Rust IoT data logger using Tokio and MQTT, simulating sensors and storing real-time readings in JSON.

Byzantine Vault ๐Ÿ›๏ธ

ByzantineVault is a Rust-based secure file storage system using:

  • Axum for web API handling.
  • SQLx for database management.
  • AES-256-GCM encryption for data security.
  • Argon2 for password hashing.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to manage permissions.
GET/Test route: "Hello Aldino!"โŒ
POST/registerRegister a new userโŒ
POST/loginLogin and generate JWTโŒ
POST/auth/owner_id/files/Upload a new fileโœ… Yes (auth)
GET/auth/owner_id/files/file_name/Download a fileโœ…
DELETE/auth/owner_id/files/file_name/Delete a fileโœ…
GET/auth/owner_id/files/file_name/version/version/Download a specific version of a fileโœ…
DELETE/auth/owner_id/files/file_name/version/version/Delete a specific version of a fileโœ…

Lionheart Armory ๐Ÿฆ

Lionhearth Armory is a secure armory (Ancient & Mediaval) api. JWT authentication, and PostgreSQL-backed secure access control and Redis Cache. Lionhearth Armory is a Rust-based secure file storage system using:

  • Axum for web API handling.
  • SQLx for database management.
  • Redis cache data for faster retrieval.
  • bcrypt for password hashing.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to manage permissions.

| Method | Route | Description | Middleware | |------------|----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|---------------| | GET | /auth/ | Test route: "Hello Aldino!" | โœ… Yes | | POST | /register | Register a new user | โŒ No | | POST | /login | Login and generate JWT | โŒ No | | GET | /weapons | Retrieve all weapons | โœ… Yes | | POST | /weapons | Create a new weapon | โœ… Yes | | GET | /weapons/{weapon_id} | Retrieve a specific weapon by weapon_id | โœ… Yes | | PATCH | /weapons/{weapon_id} | Update a weapon by weapon_id | โœ… Yes | | DELETE | /weapons/{weapon_id} | Delete a weapon by weapon_id | โœ… Yes |

Project Updates

As I complete each project, the README will be updated to reflect the latest work. Youโ€™ll find detailed descriptions and any lessons learned from the projects in the repository.

Thank you for visiting my Rust Bazaar repository! Feel free to browse, learn, and share ideas. I hope this collection inspires others to dive into Rust and explore its potential.

Happy coding with Rust! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿฆ€